Attention Judo Coaches, Parents and Athletes!

"Quick And Easy Ways To Coach And Teach Judo Successfully With Little To No Effort...
Even If You've Never Played Judo At A High Level
Or Coached At The Olympics"

Here's a special message for every Judo Coach who needs to have access to world class coaches, world class information and world class education but can't access it because they lack the time, connections, money or resources.

From The Desk of: Rhadi Ferguson

Re: Coaching Judo Successfully

Hi, my name is Rhadi Ferguson and I'm a 2004 Olympian, 4 Time National Judo Champion, Adjunct Professor, Former Head Coach of the Bahamas Judo Federation and the Head Judo Coach at Tampa Florida Judo.

As someone who has helped literally hundreds of people around the world personally and through courses like this, improve their coaching, training and teaching practices to produce more wins, better students and quality coaching and training processes, I'm here to tell you the truth you need to know if you want to succeed with coaching judo successfully!

Many Judo Coaches suffer from the idea that doing more judo is the way to get better at judo. When the truth is that it doesn't matter how much judo you do if you are doing the "wrong" judo or doing the "right" judo the "wrong" way.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

And if you're a judo coach and/or judo parent who wants to provide a high quality learning experience to their student and know that they are giving them the best that they have to offer... I've got exactly what you're looking for.

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you...

There I was, a former elite athlete who became an elite level coach. I knew how to coach tactics and strategy but I didn't have a strategic framework for action as it related to teaching and coaching. I didn't have a template nor a blueprint.

The thing is, at the time I knew what I did but I didn't know how to explain it and then remove "me" from the process so that I could create and identify something that could work for everybody.

The big problem was that I was having a "strong" discussion with a client who said, "That won't work for me." And my reply was, "Yes it will." And then the client said, "Where... show me where it has worked before!" And that is when I was stumped. I literally had to go through hundreds, and I mean hundreds of matches and not only dissect them but find the thematic rhythm of the matches. I had to find the golden threads and themes that ran through each of those matches without fail. I had to create a template that fit on each bout, each fight, each randori session, no matter what. And once I did that I was able to gain the trust of my future clientele. Because that client, was one that I lost. She ended up doing well and going to the Olympic Games. I coached her when she went to the World Championships but then I got fired. I got fired because she went to someone who HAD A TRIED AND TRUE SYSTEM that was tested and validated and that worked. I had to get one... or at least identify the one that works for everybody. Once I did that my coaching career skyrocketed and it's why I can sit here and tell you that I've been super successful and have coached all around the globe.

That meant I lost the number 9th ranked player in the world. My client had just placed 9th at the 2005 World Championships and now that person was gone. I went from having a "big dog" and a nice stable of clients to scrambling as a coach for my personal sustenance. It basically killed my source of income and my main marketing driver.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...

After analyzing all of those videos and seeing that matches had a "rhythm" and they were actually problems that had to be "decoded", I was able to use my skills as an engineer to see the match as a "system." I then applied the theory of systems dynamics to judo and began to reverse engineer the outcome of a judo match based upon the variables at play. The referee, the crowd, the clock, the competitors, the coaches, etc. The answer was in the question. How to Coach Judo Successfully was based upon understanding how one can be successful at judo!

Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to teach and coach and MOST importantly WHAT TO TEACH and coach. And even more importantly after that, what to make sure that I would not allow myself to coach "unintentionally", because I saw It meant that I had the keys to judo success in my hands. I had the template of how to coach, no matter what the level. Because coaching and teaching "this way" left no stone unturned and it ensured that the development would be impeccable.

My plan was to start coaching my athletes and clients to the highest levels possible and become a facilitator in the maximizing of their potential.

So, I started creating products and services around the things that would make the system work. But I didn't stop there.
I then started coaching... hard. I coached athletes to the Olympics, to the Youth Olympics, to the World Championships, to the Junior World Championships and the Cadet Judo World Championships.

After that, I started honing my skills in the area of teaching and accepting teaching positions at 3 different universities in Florida.

Bottom line: In the end I was able to watch my athletes succeed at the local, national and international levels and as a dad, I was able to watch my kids win National Championships and excel because they had the blueprint for success.

Building on that success, I decided to clearly identify the steps in the process and simplify them so that they can be shared and that everybody can "win".

I call it "Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully".

With Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully. I can now say that I have coached at the Senior World Judo Championships, the Junior World Judo Championships, the Cadet World Judo Championships, The Pan American Championships, The Central American and Caribbean Games and that I have coached Olympians. And because of my work in the field and because I understand judo at such a high level as you will too, I was asked to aid in the development of the strategic game planning for 2-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Kayla Harrison as she prepared to win her second Olympics in 2016. That was a lot of work and super fun and I was able to do that along with my friend and former client Chris Round!

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

Let me introduce you to "Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully" which helps you with the tools and education to help you quickly and easily coach and teach judo successfully so that you and your students are fulfilled!!!
"Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully" makes it simple for you to:
  • teach judo with ease...
  • coach with little to no effort...
  • ​win more and lose less...
  • ​organize practice so that you get more students and satisfied parents...
  • ​win and if you don't win, you can clearly identify the area or areas which need improving... Immediately!

... and much, MUCH more!

And what makes this even better?
Now you never have to worry about not getting started and thinking that you already know that information that the world class coaches know again!

Which also means you're not stuck feeling like your cup is full. Bruce Lee said that the value of a cup is in its emptiness. You have to come to the opportunity with an open mind.

And best of all... you'll start seeing results with "Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully" in less than an hour. Because once you start watching, you will see judo and judo coaching differently. I guarantee it. And it costs a drop in the bucket and it's not even the same amount as the cost of gas to go to a tournament. This is a NO-Brainer!
So again, if you're a judo coach and/or judo parent who wants to provide a high quality learning experience to their student and know that they are giving them the best that they have to offer, understand this:
  • your time is a terrible thing to waste. And if you can train more efficiently and improve the lives of your students on the mat, why wouldn't you want to do that?
  • The difference between the good ones and the great ones isn't just work or effort. It's also about knowledge. The great ones have studied more and know more. There's no sense in sitting in the dark anymore, here is your "candle".
  • Let's be honest. You've sat down before and asked yourself, "What am I going to teach today?" or "What am I going to focus on this week?" And the fact of the matter is this... You deserve better and your students deserve better. They deserve for you to be organized and for you to understand how all of the moving parts of your judo instruction fit together. Once you understand this, you will see how your training environment will become more streamlined. You will also find yourself focusing on some areas in which you were deficient.
And "Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully" holds the key to your success
with coaching judo successfully.

Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully:

Coaching and Teaching Judo Successfully - The Powerpoint Presentation ($197.00 Value)
This Professional Judo Educational Experience is the secret to learning to coach, teach and educate at a higher level. This enables your students to learn faster and improve at a quicker rate and for you to provide your best to your students because you will have access to make the coaching, teaching and educational experience richer.

Coaching and Teaching Judo Successfully - "Chalk Talk" (197.00 Value)
This curriculum masterclass makes it a snap to build out your classes, curriculum and lessons so you're able to know what to teach and WHY! and stop teaching and having your students learn in a disconnected fashion. You will see exactly how some of the best coaches get their students to make huge leaps in progress.

Coaching and Teaching Judo Successfully - Practice Framework & Lesson Planning ($97 Value)
This course explains how to put all of the building blocks together into a seamless lesson and class. It holds the keys to instantly improving your coaching and ability to deliver high quality judo to your students, clients and customers which lets you know that what you are teaching is the best method to becoming a well rounded judoka as it pertains to competition. It literally save you and your students thousands of dollars because you curriculum will let you know if you are "ready" or not for competition because you will know by knowing if you have or do not have the Crucial 4 Elements Of Success.

Act Now And Get These Incredible Bonuses...

BONUS #1: My Technical Warmup Protocol ($97 Value)
This a sample of many of the warmup exercises that I use in my classes and with my clients. It is the secret to choosing the exact warmup movements that I utilize so that it is easier for you to teach the moves. This lets you access the EXACT biomotor development skills that my previous Olympians, World Team Members and National Champions have used and tie your warmup drills together with the skills you are teaching in newaza and tachiwaza.

BONUS #2: The Successful Coaching Templates ($47 Value)
This drop dead easy, plug and chug template will make your coaching life as EASY as possible. It makes it easy for you to coach successfully so you're able to teach with a test proven model for the complete foundational development of one's game and enjoy the full fruits of your labor as a coach. Sit back and watch your student grow knowing that you are giving them the best coaching experience that you have available.

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

If "Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully" doesn't help you teach judo with ease... if it doesn't coach with little to no effort... or if it fails to win more and lose less... then we'll refund your money, No Questions Asked!  All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your coaching judo successfully results!

Here's Everything You Get Today:
• Coaching and Teaching Judo Successfully - The Powerpoint Presentation ($197.00 Value)

• Coaching and Teaching Judo Successfully - "Chalk Talk" (197.00 Value)

• Coaching and Teaching Judo Successfully - Practice Framework & Lesson Planning ($97 Value)

• BONUS #1: My Technical Warmup Protocol ($97 Value)

• BONUS #2: The Successful Coaching Templates ($47 Value)

TOTAL VALUE: $635.00

But today, you're getting all of this...


Here's to your success with coaching judo successfully!

Rhadi Ferguson, PhD, OLY
PS - If you're a judo coach and/or judo parent who wants to provide a high quality learning experience to their student and know that they are giving them the best that they have to offer, then Coaching & Teaching Judo Successfully is the solution you've been looking for... let's get started today!
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